Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Image result for sexy nutella ad

In advertising, we are told that sex sells, which I guess is true when we think about clothes, perfume, cologne,makeup, and jewelry. However, when it comes to food, how is that sexy? How is sex helping sell a food product?  As american's we sexualize everything all in the name of Sex sells. If sex sells why are we only seeing sexy women in these food commercials? There are very few commercials that have sexy men eating burgers or drinking soda. Women have been used as a method of selling products for men since the dawn of time.  

Image result for cindy crawford pepsi gif

Sex sells to men obvious way of a sexy woman eating a burger but sex sells to women as well in these same advertisements. Women look at these ads and say if I drink Pepsi like Cindy Crawford ill be sexy like her too. Ad's affect everyone everyone whether you believe it or not. There are people that sit in a room that make sure you do. The bigger question isn't why does sex sell, its why is America So comfortable sexualizing EVERYTHING? Food is supposed to be food, it's not supposed to be sexy.

Image result for sexy nutella add

These are the ad's our kids see everyday, these are ad's that are embedded into the minds of the kids who want these products. Girls are given this unrealistic expectation of they can eat all these unhealthy things and still be thin like the model devouring the burgers, and men expect women to be able to evoke the same sexual emotions they get from eating Nutella, in the bedroom, more unrealistic expectations for women to live up to thanks to these sexy food commercials. What message are we really sending here? The answer unfortunately that sex is associated with everything because it does in fact sell.
  Image result for sexy food commercial


  1. Who knew food was so sexy. It is very obvious that anywhere we turn sexuality stares us back in our face. It's crazy to know that the people behind these advertisements can't seem to be more creative. We often talk about in class that when we analyze these issues we are bringing a mirror towards the beliefs of the society and our values. We claim that we don't want kids to be exposed to sex and that people should wait till marriage to have sex but at the end of the day the advertising industry sells that material to the youngest of us all! Look at the Nutella ads for instance. Most people that eat Nutella are probably teenagers and some younger but also adults. As adults we know for the most part what an advertisement is trying to do in our minds, but young kids don't. When children, especially young men see these types of advertisements they get a false sense of reality and so do young women who aspire to be like those beauty models who eat everything on earth but still manage to be beautifully skinny. I hope in the future, our generation can be a part of the change to bring the advertising industry back to reality and stop sexualizing every aspect of our lives.


  2. The childhood obesity widespread is a serious public health problem that increases illness, death, and has large long term economic and social costs. The rates of obesity in America’s children and youth have seemed to increasingly change in today’s society. Food industry advertising has targeted children and youth which has been linked to the increase of childhood obesity. Children have a extraordinary ability to look over content from the ads to which they have been exposed. Product preference seems to have shown to have a negative effect as little as a single commercial exposure and also the strengthening with repeated exposures. Product preferences affect children's product purchase requests and these requests influence parents' purchasing decisions. As well to Limit excessive time spent watching TV, video, gaming, or surfing the web. I also do believe other forms of media, for example social media platforms are also growing in popularity among the globe and companies routinely. The goal of the media is to advertise their establishment in where people are able to recognize it, prefer to eat their food, and also to realize a loving for their food at an early age. Advertising by other industries often objectifies to young girls and women by their body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, low self-esteem and depression. Parent should urge their children to have a healthy lifestyles for children by providing moderate television viewing, regular family mealtimes, and regular exercise.

  3. I think that children are more interested in the persuasion of a product more than the characters in the commercials. The sex sells part of the commercials is to get the attention of the adult audience. For example, the Carl’s Jr. Tex Mex volleyball commercial has a group of guys staring at girls sexually during their game. This is scene in other advertisements where girls stare at an attractive guy promoting a certain product. Some people are able to realize that a model only eats a bite or two of a burger instead of the full several hundred calorie meal or the multiple trainers and aides in their daily lives. Sex sells as much as people let it, company persuasion tactics here are based on how they feel an act. One of the more down to earth food commercials is the Sonic fast food featuring two every day guys eating. For the younger audiences however, the persuasion from the commercials can lead to children being obese or experience other health issues in their younger years. The children cannot tell the difference of fact from persuasion, which leads to them being tricked into having their parents buy unhealthy food products. Although people cannot stop the companies from these advertisements, we can inform more people and families of the dangers found in these commercials and products.
